I recently unlocked level 3 of Dromarch's Affinity Chart. Level 2 of the Raging Tiger skill is incomplete with a hidden unlock condition of "???" while level 3's condition is visible as "Use Raging Tiger (0/11)".

Is it possible to complete a blade's level 3 Affinity Chart reward before completing the level 2 reward? Will progress towards level 3 count if I haven't completed level 2?

Dromarch's level 3 affinity reward for Raging Tiger

  • Found a strange overlap of conditions on Gorg's Ability Chart. FTL level 1's condition is "Help an incapacitated ally (0/3)" while level 2 has "Help an incapacitated ally (0/2)".
    – Stevoisiak
    Jul 21, 2022 at 20:08
  • Well, you can easily try this by yourself. But I don't think helping an incapacitated ally should overlap, there would be no reason to make a lower request for a higher skill level otherwise.
    – pinckerman
    Jul 21, 2022 at 21:24

1 Answer 1


Is it possible to complete a blade's level 3 Affinity Chart reward before completing the level 2 reward?

While my current save is not in a really good spot to test this, but I'm going with No. While reviewing Myrtha's affinity chart, I have her level 4 nodes unlocked. As you can see in the screenshots below, she has a handful for level 2 and 3 not completed. I know for a fact I've used Lightning Buster and Photo Edge a numerous amount of times after unlocking these nodes, but yet they do not any progression towards completion.

Mythra Node 1 Mythra Node 1

Will progress towards level 3 count if I haven't completed level 2?

The answer to this one is that it depends on the node. As shown above, progression towards level 3 nodes does not count if level 2 is not completed. However, there are some nodes that have "Previous instances count toward total" as sub-text

Vale node 3

  • 1
    I was able to confirm that level 3 rewards cannot be unlocked before level 2. I also noted a few extra things: •Affinity rewards for drivers must also be unlocked in level-order. •Poppi α's affinity chart rewards for Tiger! Tiger! high scores are retroactive, despite not being listed as such. (Play 1 round of Tiger! Tiger! and the condition will unlock based on previous high scores). •If you've completed a level 2 condition, progress towards the level 3 condition won't count until you check that blade's Affinity chart
    – Stevoisiak
    Jul 25, 2022 at 17:14

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