I have started the "Under Saarthal" quest and once I remove the amulet from the door and get trapped, it does not show up in my inventory. I have re-loaded several times with no luck. In one case I even reloaded to the start of entering the quest and then went off and completed other quests and sold stuff etc. but when I returned to the quest, the same issue occurred at the exact same point. Again, I have reloaded but to no avail. I have confirmed that I am not looking for the wrong item, it is simply not in my inventory. This issue is preventing me from progressing the Mage's and Forbidden Legend questlines. Any ideas?
2 Answers
This seems to be a bug in Skyrim. If you're on PC I would recommend you download the "Unofficial Skyrim Patch" as it fixes a lot of these bugs.
Again, if you're on PC you can add the item to your inventory by typing:
player.additem 000233D0 1
This should add the amulet to your inv, and the quest should go on as usual! :)
I might be 3 years late, but I found a solution for myself. I have encountered the exact same thing, annoying as warm sticky fudge. No site could provide me the help I needed so I forgot about the whole thing, still freaking annoyed. I could not add the item cause it would not appear in any way in my inventory. And then it came to me, I solved once a bug by clearing all my bounties, and so I did that and bam. I had 2 saarthal amulets in my invent (cause I tried 2 times to spawn it in) went back to saarthal, it was a bit awkward for a moment but now I finally have finished this fudging quest. Hope this still helps
Lazy person from the future
character):player.additem 000233D0 1
(never done that personally but it should work. Use only as last resort as it's pretty much cheating)