If you've had any networking problems on the 360, done a network test then pressed Y for detailed status, you've seen a dialog like this (this one's not mine; thanks google image search):

Error Status Report

What do all these codes mean? I don't think Microsoft tech support will tell us, perhaps for job security reasons. I can guess some of them:

  • T = network Type (wired / wireless)
  • A = private Address / subnet mask
  • G = Gateway
  • D = DNS1 / DNS2
  • N = wireless access point Name (SSID)
  • S = wireless Security type

What about W, X, Y, Z, ID, L, Q and C? I think Q might be the error code, and MS does have an error code search page, but the explanation for code 80070435 (with I've had with a wired connection) is hopelessly uninformative.

Does anyone have any more information?

  • C is your router's wireless channel
    – user54004
    Commented Aug 20, 2013 at 3:48

1 Answer 1


W: Hardware setup

X: Connection End - Means connection to X-box live servers has failed

Y: Internet setup type 00A8 - E840 U.S.A. Version Wireless Receiver for X-Box 360 Console. Others would be Ethernet cable or out of U.S.A. model of receiver.

Z: X-Box Policy Offenses. 0000 - 0000 = No X-box offenses. Any other = Ban or Suspension


  • 1
    Great. Can you link to a source for this info?
    – Hugh Allen
    Commented Dec 28, 2012 at 3:35
  • Still no answer for some of the letters? My C is six. That is what brought me to this page.
    – user52649
    Commented Jul 26, 2013 at 22:17
  • Perhaps C stands for control code to make sure the information was relayed correctly?
    – badp
    Commented Jul 27, 2013 at 0:29

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