In Star Wars: The Old Republic, doing quests up to six levels below yours yields a chunk of experience points (XP). Across the SW:TOR forums, people say to maximize experience, do orange level quests (quests at a higher level than you). But, because of experience devaluation, does this actually affect how much experience I gain from those quests?
Example: Mission A yields 5000 XP upon completion at level 25. But, at level 26, it yields only 4000 XP. This would seem to indicate that it would grant me a greater bonus at level 25. But, from level 25 to 26, everything suffers a 20% experience drop. I can't defeat the same mobs for the same amount of experience; they've dropped from 100 XP to 80 XP. The game has obscured the fact that it has both increased the experience you require to make it to the next level (100K for level 25, 120K for level 26), but also decreased the experience you receive from everything, essentially doubling the actual effort increase for levelling (100K to 120K, but decreasing your gains by 20% means levelling would require 150K XP at the level 25 XP "value"). So, completing Mission A, you still gain 5000 XP at the level 25 value; but, converting it to the level 26 value, you see a 4000 XP gain.
Does it work this way I have described, or do you in fact gain more equivalent XP for higher level quests (e.g. 5000 XP at level 25, 3500 XP at level 26 with only a 20% devaluation of XP, meaning you only gain 4375 level-25-equivalent XP)?
Basically, if I will reach a level in 1 XP, and have two quests to complete, one at 8000 XP, and one at 5000 XP, will it matter which quest I choose to complete first?