Finally got DQ8 for Playstation 2 - as I'm playing through, I'm noticing that the skill/ability points you gain per level is really variable and a little unbalanced.
Between levels 10-15, the hero and Yangus were both gaining up to 8 points per level, allowing for rapid gains in their respective skills. Then Angelo comes along and starts gaining a paltry 2-3 per level. Everyone is now approaching level 20 - and while most party members have broken 40 in their main weapon skill, Angelo hasn't even made 20.
I also spent some time grinding, and during that time I noticed skill point gains were a lot lower for the levels gained - but now that I'm back to the main story, they're improving again.
My question is this: are skill point gains set (e.g. will Yangus always gain 5 points at level 15), or do they change based on certain factors?