Diamond / Master Terran here:
First of all, this is not a Reaper map! As you explain, the cliffs are not suited for such an attack at first hand. The only real good thing you can use a Reaper too, is if your enemy goes for a FE - then you can try to deny it!
The map is good for either:
- 2 / 3 rax stim / combat shield push. And expand behind it! (pull back if theres a wall off, or the enemy have 2 or more canons or bunkers and or siegetanks - enter the mid game from here)
- Widowmine drop versus Protoss or Zerg. And expand behind it! (drop one or two at the prim. mineralline, and 1 at the NE versus Zerg)
- FE. 10 min. timing with bio and 1/1 upgrades with stim and shields +
2 medivacs. (versus Zerg and Protoss) Take advantage of your possibilities to drop and push at the entrance!
- Banshee harras versus a Terran. And expand behind it! Kill-list 1. Workers 2. Marines 3. Supplydepots 4. Tech. (add-ons etc.)
(based on my own experience - so not saying its the best sollution)
It is a fairly short map, keep that in mind.
A fast expansion in to a bio and tank build is also pretty good, as your tanks can wrech havock on the enemys NE.