In the Developper's Computer, I must press a certain key to kill the developper. What is it?
3 Answers
The code that chooses which letter to press is:
this.letter = 65 + random.getRandomIntUpTo(25);
So it could be any letter between a and z -- mash those keys quickly! (This is easier with a chiclet keyboard where you can just brush your hand across them.) Maybe an invincibility potion can buy you some time?
The key which you have to press seems to be chosen at random. So far I've gotten A, Q and G.
I've checked the source, it is random, and different every time.– fredleyCommented May 4, 2013 at 8:36
@galacticninja No. You can keep guessing so long as you're alive. Commented May 5, 2013 at 12:18
You can get the key to press by putting this code into the console while in the quest: