If I gave Cass a 12-gauge shotgun to replace the one she currently uses, which is a 20gauge, would I need to give her 12-gauge ammo for her to use it? Would she use up that ammo?

  • Followers used ammo? It's been a while since I played, but I don't think followers ever used ammo. Commented Jun 8, 2013 at 4:13

3 Answers 3


Followers have Magical Companion Ammo for their default guns, but if you want them to use any other weapons, you'll need to supply them with ammo.

They will also stop using a weapon if it breaks, according to the wiki. However other sources online report that companion's weapons won't break and that you should use surplus ammo for them to save caps. I never game my companions other weapons so I can't confirm or refute this.


They need to be given ammo for the new weapon and they do degrade over time. Unless you are getting the 50% companion damage bonus from 10 charisma though their default weapons are generally the best choice.


I believe that you can you a weapon that uses the same ammunition and the ammunition perk still applies hope it helps

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