I've experienced that killing people in the own team becomes more and more common. Sometimes it's because they want to have the vehicle you're taking, sometimes I guess just for fun (I've even seen someone named "Teamkiller...") or as a revenge for being (possibly unintentionally) team-killed.

This is no fun at all and can turn the whole game around.

Losing a few points and having team kills in your record doesn't seem to scare many people off. For example, experienced players can easily compensate for -100 points for shooting a team mate before entering a helicopter, by then taking that helicopter and destroying tanks.

How can I remove teamkillers that are ruining a game from Battlefield Bad Company 2 Hardcore games? How can I keep them from coming back?

1 Answer 1


This might be harsh but you can get TK'ers PSN accounts blocked

  • Although I'd prefer some automatic mechanism, that's good to know - thanks!
    – Joe
    Commented Dec 3, 2010 at 9:37
  • No, that's not possible. PSN accounts can't be blocked for gameplay (or lack thereof)
    – user11173
    Commented Jul 21, 2011 at 5:12

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