I have several magma smelters and forges, located right on top of a pool of naturally occurring magma (i.e., quite deep). It's a long haul to go from the surface where most of these items reside, to the magma work-area, and I have a large number of items to move. What's the most efficient way to get these items melted down? Things I've considered:
- Dig a new 1x1 shaft all the way down from the surface, with a hatch cover; then designate a dump zone next to the shaft and mark all the goblinite for dumping. I haven't done this yet, as I am afraid that the dropped items will explode/shatter when they hit bottom, injuring my magma-smithy workforce, or become damaged to the point of being unmeltable (can that happen?)
- Setup a minecart route of some kind. I am in progress on this, it is an unpowered route
- Setup a multi-minecart chute system I just came up with this, not sure on viability. How durable are minecarts if you drop them from a great height?
- Setup a pair of stockpiles, one on the surface that accepts all the things I want to melt, and one in the forge area that only takes from the surface pile, and assign wheelbarrows/bins appropriately. This seems surefire to work, but possibly very slow