So far all I can do is to create a macro, place it on an action button, and make sure that this action bar has a key bound to it. But now I'm running out of action buttons.

I would like to bind a key (or a key combination) to a macro without the need for an action button.


  • Before I write up an answer, because there are several solutions (The short version: you need an addon), let me ask: Do you currently use an Action Bar mod such as Dominos, Bartender, Macaroon, or another? Or a full UI package like TukUI? If so, which? Commented Dec 21, 2010 at 23:29
  • @LessPop_MoreFizz -- nope; everything is stock. I would like to keep it like that, if possible.
    – BeemerGuy
    Commented Dec 21, 2010 at 23:30
  • If you'd like to not run any addons, you're SOL. Commented Dec 21, 2010 at 23:39
  • @LessPop_MoreFizz -- that's what I was afraid of. OK, what would I use if I'm ok with addons? Would I have to use a whole different action-bar UI? I hope not =(. Minimalism is the keyword here; I've had bad experiences with a addons in the past.
    – BeemerGuy
    Commented Dec 21, 2010 at 23:51

2 Answers 2


Here is a solution that has been tested. This solution assumes that all the action bars are not in use nor shown:

  • Go in to the Interface menu then set an hidden action bar to show.
  • Next add an action or macro to that bar.
  • Once the action has been added to the bar, go in to the built in Key Binding option menu, find the bar and action-button combo that you just set the action to, then bind the wanted key to that combo.
  • Once finished, go back in to the Interface menu, set the bar to hide then test it out.

If all of the action bars are shown then there is a second solution. However, this solution does requires a addon called Clique. Clique is an addon, which is very popular among players, that allows spells and actions to be bound to keys and mouse-clicks without the use of an action bar. Clique doesn't change the physical UI of the normal view. It only adds another tab to the spell book. Go in to the tab, bind the a action to a key or mouse button and forget about it.

After reading the body of your question again, I believe the first solution is the current solution you use. However, I will not remove that part of the answer as it might help a future user with a similar question.

  • +1 for Clique addon. It really is minimalistic. You won't even notice it's there other than setting up your keybindings at first. Extra bonus: doesn't take up macro slots!
    – Mag Roader
    Commented Dec 22, 2010 at 3:33
  • that was spot-on! Clique is exactly what @Mag said; minimalistic like I need, and no macro/action button slots needed. +1!
    – BeemerGuy
    Commented Dec 22, 2010 at 6:57

You can bind a macro to a key without an addon using SetBindingMacro followed by SaveBindings.

/run SetBindingMacro("SHIFT-A", "mymacro")
/run SaveBindings(2)

Replace SHIFT-A with whatever key you want: A, ALT-A, CTRL-SHIFT-A, etc.
Replace mymacro with the name you gave your macro.
Replace the 2 in the SaveBindings call to a 1 if you do not have character specific key bindings. If you are playing Classic rather than Retail, use AttemptToSaveBindings instead of SaveBindings.

SetBindingSpell can be used similarly to bind spells.

  • I... did not know you could do this. Amazing. Commented Jan 9, 2011 at 6:44

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