When I'm running and the message "press and hold X for " comes up, and I press it immediately, I always miss it.
It works when I anticipate and start holding X before I reach the weapon.
But when I kill an enemy, the "hold X" often flashes up only for an instant, then disappears. My theory: you can grab it in the moment they die, but then they drop/throw it. So I tried holding X as I kill someone, but this mostly results in a (lengthy) reload.
Is there a trick or technique to it?
I'm trying to beat the IW time of 1:16.20 for "O Cristo Redentor" (MW2, spec ops, Alpha). My best time is 1:30. I average 2:00-2:30. This incredibly impressive video does it in 0:47.35. A key technique is picking up weapons, and not reloading (plus skill and luck). He's on PC.
EDIT I realized he (klooger28) has a bunch more runs.... including doing it in 38.10.
EDIT2 using that approach (anti-clockwise, picking up dual, and alternating reload hands), I got 1:19... almost there!
BTW: Sometimes there's a weapon's image on the ground, but I can't pick it up - a glitch?
Sometimes it seems I pick up ammo instead of being able to pick up the weapon - I guess this is when the weapon is the same as my present one (or maybe some use the same ammo?). Sometimes, it seems like it might be my secondary's ammo. I guess the only thing is to recognize then it's the same weapon.
I must have tried over 100 times, and can't find anything with google but the above video ... please help!
I'm playing on an Xbox 360 if that matters.