Salpe86's Assassin's Guide has been a great help in gearing my character up to better handle Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode. Since following his recommendations, I've gone from constantly fighting for my life and burning through handfuls of ammo clips when facing what should be the most trivial of enemies to killing even Badass-level monsters without having to reload more than once.
However, my wife hasn't been so lucky. She plays a Mechromancer and still has trouble even down to True Vault Hunter Mode. She only made it into UVHM with the help of my escorting her through the endgame missions of TVHM.
I presume the weapon selections recommended for Assassin will probably port over to Mechromancer fairly well, but are there any changes I should make to that - does the Mechromancer tend to handle some particular weapon types better or worse than Assassin? How about Shields, Artificats, and Class Mods? What skills are essential for a Mechromancer in UVHM?