I encountered The Squirrel at "A tree."

            |   |                                                            
            |   |                     "   Hello, I'm The                     
  |             |                        Squirrel. I can                     
  |             |                      provide you candies,                  
  |             |                      and lots of things.                   
                |                      I know how much you                   
                |        _.-'''-,      love candies. But I                   
                |      .'        `\     feel alone in this                   
                |     /           /          forest.       "                 
       |        |    /      .--^_^                                           
       |        |    |     /  C ,,\                                          
                |    |    |   \  _.)                           ___           
                |     \   |   /  \                   ____.----'.-'           
                |      '-, \./ \)\)               .-' --  __.-'              
    |            \        `-/   );/           ___/  - _.-'                   
    |             \_________''--'-'________.-' --    /                       
    |              -   --        -  -     -     __.-'                        
                     -    --    -     --   --  /                             

He asks you some questions. What are the correct answers, and what is the reward for getting them correct?

  • 4
    (I asked and self-answered this to keep all of the answers to the questions in one place, like this question from Candy Box 1. (we already have questions for specific ones, like this, this, and this.))
    – Doorknob
    Commented Oct 24, 2013 at 21:55
  • 6
    Since this caused the original versions of the questions to be closed as dupes, which I don't feel very comfortable with, I raised a meta question about it here
    – Sterno
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 0:48
  • 1
    I'm not sure why this post was reopened, since we decided on meta it should be closed. Commented Oct 30, 2013 at 17:55
  • To be fair, we didn't clearly decide that on meta. We just decided that the others shouldn't have been closed as dupes. My answer didn't really have a suggestion for what to do with this question, since I have no idea. That's also why I've refrained from voting on it.
    – Sterno
    Commented Nov 3, 2013 at 17:36

3 Answers 3


First one : do you really love candies? (answer in english)

Correct answer: "yes" (just like in Candy Box 1)
alternatives: "y", "yeah", "yeap", "yep"
Reward: 20 candies

Now complete this sequence of letters and you'll get a new reward : S, E, I, D, N, A, ?

Correct answer: "C" (it's CANDIES spelled backwards)
alternatives: "letter c", "the letter c"
Reward: 100 candies

Next question : how many candies does the candiest person in the world possess?

Correct answer: [however many candies you have currently]
Reward: 500 candies

In an ancient forest grows a very old tree, on which live the most intelligent animals in this world. It is said that this tree has 60 roots, 360 branches and 2160 leaves. How many marks can you find on its trunk?

Correct answer: "10" (the squirrel is talking about the tree that he is on)
alternatives: "ten", "10 marks", "ten marks"
Reward: 3 lollipops

Under a full moon, I throw a yellow hat into the red sea. What happens to the yellow hat?

Correct answer: "it gets wet," or "it floats"
alternatives: "wet", "it becomes wet", "it become wet", "becomes wet", "become wet", "it get wet", "its wet", "it got wet", "it is wet", "it is wet now", "its wet now", "float", "floats", "its floating", "it is floating", "floating", "it float"
Reward: 3 chololate bars

The game is Tic-Tac-Toe. We play on a 3 by 3 game board. You will use the X sign while I will use the O sign. We place our signs alternatively, and the goal is to get three signs in a row. I'll let you go first!

Correct answer (solution): first go in the middle square, then any corner, then get three in a row by going outside of the grid

     |      |      |  __  |                                       
     |      |      | |  | |                                       
     |      |      | |__| |                                       
     |      |      |      |                                       
     |      |  \/  |      |                                       
     |      |  /\  |      |                                       
     |      |      |  __  |                                       
     |  \/  |      | |  | |                                       
     |  /\  |      | |__| |                                       


Reward: a key to open one of the locked houses in the village

  • 1
    You can just place all 3 outside of the grid if you want.
    – Reafexus
    Commented Oct 24, 2013 at 22:28
  • 1
    "floats" is a correct answer to the hat question too.
    – Arperum
    Commented Oct 24, 2013 at 22:40
  • 2
    simply "wet" works for the hat question too.
    – 3ventic
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 7:10
  • Any similar solution involving any of the four corners on the tic-tac-toe seems to work. I did upper left corner. Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 15:33
  • 3
    If you really want every possible correct answer to a riddle, a quick look at the JavaScript reveals them. There are quite a few alternates.
    – Sterno
    Commented Oct 25, 2013 at 16:44

For the tic-tac-toe, think about having an extra 3 boxes at the top of the box and just click on those. You can use any space right next to the box and it will count.

  1. no
  2. c ,because they are spelled backward
  3. however many candies you have
  4. 10
  5. wet
  6. first go in the middle square, then any corner, then get three in a row by going outside of the grid
  • 2
    ummm... what? Most of these are just plain wrong, and the last one is copied from my answer...
    – Doorknob
    Commented Nov 3, 2013 at 17:39

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