I am using the following Command to spawn a new chest at the given coordinates with stuff in it at each new round:
/setblock 264 4 997 minecraft:chest 0 replace {Items:[{id:274,Count:1,Slot:0},{id:275,Count:1,Slot:1}]}
The problem with that is that when replacing the old chest all the stuff in the old chest is thrown out. And that's pretty much not what I want. I need to find a way to replace a chest which might have stuff in it without throwing those things out.
Someone else said I should replace the given position for one tick with lava, which I tried. Works in 90% of the tries (in the other 10% the items from the chest are thrown to far away - out of the spawned lava block), but the problem with that is that I can't use it in wooden areas because it might burn everything down.
instead ofreplace
ing a chest has the same effect./gamerule doTileDrops false
doesn't work.destroy