Surrounding (speedlings) What's the most efficient way to surround a kiting bio ball (i.e. marines, marauders, medivacs)? Would I click far ahead of the group to force my speedling group to clump up, as opposed to lining out into a single file formation, then time the "stop" command? How do I repatch my surround once I've halted the bio ball? Right-click the center unit and click "hold-position"? Assuming in this case I had banelings, would I move them in after the surround?
Kiting (roaches with speed) What's the most efficient way to kite? Right-click far ahead and hit "stop" or "hold position"?
Stationary unit demolitioning (mutalisks vs turrets) What's the most efficient way to destroy stationary air defense with mutalisks? Stacking mutalisks with the patrol command, then moving barely into range and moving out of range (i.e. +7 mutalisks)?