I didn't seem to find any of the challenge dungeons yet... Are they even in game?

I finished Ceodore, Palom's and Porom's story.

3 Answers 3


No. On the iOS version various things are missing. This includes the challenge dungeons. Other things that are missing are the extensive dungeon in the final chapter and Proto-Babil.


I think there is no challenge dungeon. The entrance is not there on Ceodore's story. There is no Namingway changing his name to Challengingway.

  • I didn't see anything on Palom's and Porom's story either. It's odd that no one has said anything about it...
    – Dynelight
    Commented Dec 4, 2013 at 16:31

Not from what I've seen unfortunately. Just finished the Lunarian mission and there's no namingway dude there either.

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