I just purchased a Wii U (with the gamepad) and a Nyko Pro controller. The last Nintendo system I owned was Gamecube and as such I am out of touch with Wii accessories. I understand a number of them work with the Wii U, but I'm confused about which work with eachother.

From what I can see online these are what are available:

  • Wiimote
  • Wiimote Plus
  • Wii Nunchuck
  • Wii MotionPlus

Here are my questions:

  1. What is the difference between the Wiimote and Wiimote Plus?
  2. Which of these are compatible with the others?
  3. With a Nyko Pro controller and the Gamepad do I really need any of these for a Wii U?
  4. Anything else I should know?

Thanks in advance for any help.

  • 5
    Not sure why this is marked as "primarily opinion based." I'm asking for the differences and compatabilites between 4 Nintendo products. I hope its not because I used the word best in the title and no one read the question.
    – Brack
    Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 19:06
  • Which accessory you use will depend on how it's implemented in-game. Some might work very well with Motionplus, others might be beter with the Nunchuck. If you can narrow this down to a single, specific game, that might be something we can help with. Otherwise, it's really just a matter of opinion.
    – Frank
    Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 21:07

2 Answers 2


All of the old Wii controllers and accessories still work with a Wii U, as long as the games are prepared for them.

The Wii Remote is the standard controller as it was originally released with the Wii.

The Wii Nunchuck and Wii MotionPlus are accessories to a Wii Remote - they plug into the bottom. The Nunchuck is a secondary controller with an analog stick, and the MotionPlus is a device that contains additional hardware for detecting movement more accurately. Note that they are not independent controllers; you have to plug them into a Wii Remote.

A Wii Remote Plus is simply a Wii Remote with a built-in MotionPlus - there is no other differences, and it will work as a regular Wii Remote for any game. This is usually a better choice than the standard Wii Remote, since some games require a MotionPlus, but if you aren't going to play any of those, then it doesn't really matter, and you could always get a MotionPlus at a later date if you need one.

So, do you actually need a Wii Remote? It depends on the games you're going to play. If you're going to play local multiplayer, that almost always requires another Wii Remote per extra person (Game & Wario is a rare exception to this). If you're going to play any Wii games (including , you need one Wii Remote per person.

If you're only ever going to play single-player Wii U games, then you probably don't need one - but you may still want a Wii Remote: Although almost every Wii U game can be played exclusively with the gamepad, there is at least one exception (Wii Sports Club), and more might show up later (e.g. the next Zelda game, if they keep the sword controls from Skyward Sword).

Furthermore, many games allow the use of a Wii Remote - you might prefer that for some titles, especially if it doesn't also support the Pro controller.

If none of those reasons apply to you, then you're likely good to go with the controllers you already have - and if a game comes along that makes you change your mind, the Wii controllers are still going to be available then.

  • Thanks, I learned a lot. I think I'll go with the Wiimote Plus.
    – Brack
    Commented Dec 8, 2013 at 19:05
  1. Wii motion plus is better for wii fit or just dance.
  2. Wii mote, wii motion plus and nyko pro.
  3. No 4.No.
  • 3
    Please expand your answers. Why is Motionplus better for Wii Fit or Just Dance? Why wouldn't they be needed for a Wii U? We're looking for expertise; answering with the bare minimum doesn't really help anyone at all.
    – Frank
    Commented Feb 7, 2014 at 1:14
  • And Wii Fit doesn't even make use of the Motion Plus.
    – Léo Lam
    Commented Aug 6, 2016 at 13:11

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