I bought a fightstick some months ago, and I'm enjoying it a lot, I find it more fun to play fighting games with it, but I feel like I've stopped improving.
I read in several places that it takes months to get used to it and that is true, but for some time now I've stopped improving. I think that I need to start doing some specific training in order to get better because I still play worse compared to how I played with a joystick.
I play mostly SSFIV and as an example, I loved to play with Makoto with the joystick but I can't play with her at all in the fightstick, like, I can't execute the moves fast enough. Also, with Akuma I can perform a lot of combos in training mode, but in the heat of battle I always execute the move wrong, like when I'm blocking and try doing a: c.mp -> QCB lk I'm always holding down back, so the move doesn't come out.
I'm figuring out my mistakes as I watch replays and stuff, but I feel I have become stagnant in my current execution.
Is there some kind of exercises or some daily training which I can do to improve my execution with the stick?
before and at first I thought it was some sort of motion detection thing where you were physically throwing punches and so forth.