I have gotten most everything in Assassin's Creed IV Black Flag. 100% progress. Bought all of the ship upgrades, ship appearances, guns, swords, art, outfits, and house upgrades. I completed all of the Abstergo challenges. Etc etc.
There are 4 things I am waiting on (waiting for community challenge prizes).
- Persian scimitars
- Captain's wheellock pistols
- Black and red sails
- El Impoluto's wheel
However, I am only at 98% database sync. The above may contribute, but I feel like while I'm waiting I can work on the rest. But I don't know what's missing.
Here is the count of what I have in my database. I can go into more detail if someone can narrow down what section is lacking based on the numbers.
- Shanties - 34
- Documents (Manuscripts) - 20
- Documents (Letters) - 20
- People - 37
- Locations - 18
- Landmarks (Havana) - 10
- Landmarks (Kingston) - 7
- Landmarks (Nassau) - 2
- Ships - 16
- Art Collection - 50
- Fauna - 23
I also have all of the computer hacks and sticky notes in the present day.
I went through all of my crafting and fauna, and it looks like maybe "rabbit" is missing. And maybe "white whale" (but I think this is covered by "sperm whale").