Shopkeepers provide a much needed service to Spelunky. Imagine getting stuck three blocks under a treasure trove. Or walking over the motherload of motherloads trapped in the dirt. Shopkeeper to the rescue! Supplying ropes and bombs and all matter of odds and ends that I don't quite yet understand...
The shopkeepers appear to do quite well for themselves, claiming the monopoly in a decently lucrative market.
Occasionally, however, there are items that attract my eye but, through no lack of effort on my part, I don't have enough gold to acquire them in a "lawful" manner.
I have tried all manner of things:
- Trying the straightforward approach: walking out of the store with the un-purchased item, allows me to get a step or two outside before suddenly becoming dead.
- Throwing rocks, and pots in an attempt to stun them only seems to aggravate them, causing them to whip out their shotguns and "end me" far too quickly.
- whipping them leads to a very similar fate.
- Attempting to take out a bomb in their general vicinity will also lead to my death.
I guess I have found a couple ways to attempt to steal from them, but each of these ends in either death or a trigger happy rampage (and death).
Perhaps I should restate my question:
How can I steal from a shopkeeper and survive?