Battlefield 4 brings back spotting; press RB or Q with an enemy in your sights and he's spotted for your whole team to see. Spotting wins games! It also comes very cheap, it doesn't really slow you down or cost you anything. So I tend to spam spot a lot.
Does spotting have a cooldown and if so, what is it? Is there anything from preventing me from spotting 60 times a second? If there's a cooldown is it different after a successful spot vs a failed spot? Is there any way to measure the cooldown precisely? I've tried testing it various ways and can't really figure it out; it kind of feels to me like maybe there's a 1s cooldown only after a successful spot.
Battlefield 3 is generally assumed to have a spotting cooldown although I've never seen a source for exactly how long it was. The StackExchange discussion and this other one both mention BF3 made a noise if you try to spot during the cooldown. I don't think that noise is in BF4.