There are a number of challenges related to perks. Do you need to complete them in order to get the "pro" level of that perk ?


2 Answers 2


Yes you do, here are the challenges:

Tier 1

Lightweight - Move faster

Lightweight Pro - Move faster + no fall damage


  1. Melee Kills - Earn 15 melee kills.
  2. Escape Death - Escape death 5 times after being hurt.
  3. Offense Medals - Get 10 Offense Medals by killing enemies near their objective.

Scavenger - Replenish ammo and Lethal Grenades from fallen enemies

Scavenger Pro - Replenish ammo and Lethal Grenades from fallen enemies + Start with extra mags and replenish Tactical Grenades from fallen enemies


  1. Resupplies - Resupply 150 times while using Scavenger.
  2. Grenade Kills - Get 5 Lethal Grenade kills with a resupplied grenade.
  3. Kill Count - Get 5 kills without dying 5 times.

Ghost - Remain hidden from enemy Spy Planes

Ghost Pro - Remain hidden from enemy Spy Plans + Avoid targeting from aircraft, IR scopes, and Sentry Guns. No red crosshair or name when targeted.


  1. Concealed Kills - Kill 20 enemies while they have a Spy Plane or Blackbird active.
  2. Destroy Aircraft - Destroy 30 aircraft with any non-Killstreak launcher.
  3. Destroy Sentry Gun - Destroy 1 Sentry Gun.

Flak Jacket - Take less explosive damage

Flak Jacket Pro - Take less explosive damage + Deflect fire damage and safely toss back Frag Grenades


  1. Protected - Survive 10 explosions while using Flack Jacket.
  2. Demolished - Plant or defuse 10 bombs in Demolition, Sabotage, or Search & Destroy.
  3. Throwbacks - Throw back 5 enemy Frag grenades.

Hardline - Earn killstreak rewards with one less kill

Hardline Pro - Earn killstreak rewards with one less kill + change the contents of a care package


  1. Share Packages - Share 10 Killstreak reward crates with teammates.
  2. Multiple Killstreaks - Earn 7 killstreaks in one match while using Hardline.
  3. Killstreak - Get 7 kills without dying in one match.

Tier 2

Hardened - Penetrate walls and objects with deeper bullet impact

Hardened Pro - Penetrate walls and objects with deeper bullet impact + inflict extra bullet damage on aircraft and turrets, and flinch less when shot


  1. Penetration Kills - Get 10 kills using Hardened and shooting through walls.
  2. Bullets in Aircraft - Shoot 200 bullets into enemy aircraft.
  3. Equipment Shot - Destroy 1 piece of enemy equipment through a wall.

Scout - Hold breath longer when scoped

Scout Pro - Hold breath longer when scoped + switch weapons faster


  1. Secondary Kills - Get 50 kills with secondary weapons.
  2. One Shot Kills - Get 50 One Shot, One Kill Medals.
  3. Headshots - Get 30 Headshot kills.

Steady Aim - Maintain increased accuracy when firing from the hip

Steady Aim Pro - Maintain increased accuracy when firing from the hip + aim faster after sprinting and recover quickly from knife lunges


  1. Quick Melee - Melee two enemies consecutively within 5 seconds.
  2. Sprint Kills - Get 100 kills after sprinting.
  3. Hip Fire Kills - Get 150 hip fire kills using Steady Aim.

Sleight of Hand - Reload weapons faster

Sleight of Hand Pro - Reload weapons faster + aim down sights faster with weapons (except Sniper Rifles)


  1. Aiming Kills - Get 150 kills while aiming down sights.
  2. Reload Kills - Kill an enemy within 5 seconds of reloading 30 times.
  3. Fast Hand Kills - Reload and finish off the enemy you wounded 10 times.

Warlord - Equip two attachments to your primary weapon (excluding underbarrels)

Warlord Pro - Equip two attachments to your primary weapon (excluding underbarrels) + start with one extra Tactical and Lethal Grenade (except Willy Pete)


  1. Two Attachment Kills - Get 150 kills using a gun with two attachments.
  2. Grenade Kills - Get 10 Frag or Semtex kills.
  3. Grenade Multi-kills - Get 1 multi-kill with Frag or Semtex.

Tier 3

Tactical Mask - Protect yourself against Nova Gas

Tactical Mask Pro - Protect yourself against Nova Gas + reduce the effects of Flash and Concussion Grenades, and reveal the position of a flashed or stunned enemy.


  1. Flash Kills - Kill 20 enemies that are blinded by your Flashbang.
  2. Concussion Kills - Kill 20 enemies that are stunned by your Concussion Grenade.
  3. Nova Gas Kills - Kill 20 enemies poisoned by your Nova Gas.

Marathon - Sprint for a longer duration

Marathon Pro - Sprint for a longer duration + sprint for an unlimited duration


  1. 26 Miles - Sprint 26 miles using Marathon.
  2. First Blood - Get the First Blood Medal 10 times.
  3. Captures - In Capture the Flag, get the Flag Capture Medal 15 times while using Marathon.

Ninja - Move silently

Ninja Pro - Move silently + make no noise at all and hear enemies louder


  1. Silenced Kills - Get 150 kills using the Suppressor attachment.
  2. Back Stabs - Get 5 Backstabber Medals.
  3. Plants - Plant the bomb 10 times in Demolition, Sabotage, or Search & Destroy.

Second Chance - Pull out your pistol before dying

Second Chance Pro - Pull out your pistol before dying + survive longer and get revived by your teammates


  1. Kills - Get 10 kills while in Second Chance.
  2. Revenge - While in Second Chance, kill the enemy who downed you 5 times.
  3. Headshot - Get 1 headshot kill while in Second Chance.

Hacker - Detect enemy equipment, explosives and turrets

Hacker Pro - Detect enemy equipment, explosives and turrets + sabotage enemy equipment and turrets, booby trap stolen crates and remain invisible to Motion Sensors.


  1. Destroys - Destroy 10 equipment or explosives while using Hacker.
  2. Explosive Kills - Kill 25 enemies with a Claymore or C4.
  3. Near Equipment Kills - Kill 25 enemies within the radius of your Jammer or Motion Sensor.
  • Very detailed, but you didn't actually answer the question... "Do you need to complete them in order to get the "pro" level of that perk ?"
    – Torpesh
    Commented Feb 18, 2011 at 20:44
  • 1
    @Torpesh it is pretty obvious from the answer that the challenges I listed need to be completed...
    – theorise
    Commented Feb 18, 2011 at 20:47

Yes, completing the challenges for each individual perk will unlock its pro level.


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