During my last game, my troops were whisked off to Newfoundland and forced to kiss a cod. Oh yeah - they also had to deal with a whale infested with Chryssalids.
During the mission, you have a limited time to move your troops from one end of the map to another, while an apparently unlimited number of Chryssalids spawn from the husk of a whale . This is quite unlike any other mission in the game and I found that my existing tactics just did not work.
What tactics do work, as far as ensuring you can move across the battlefield in less than 8 turns, while not being impaled on the tusks of a Chryssalid?
More Information: I don't know if this mission appears at the same time every game. I encountered it in month 3 when I had laser rifles, but no upgraded armour, though I did have level 1 MEC Troopers. The majority of my troops were around Lieutenant level.