My PS3 just YLOD'd. I'm hoping its just a temporary overheating issue and if I just leave it off and unplugged for the day I can get it back on long enough to eject the game disc and backup the hard drive.
From reading up on the YLOD, it sounds like this a sign that if it's not dead already it will be dead in the near future; so I've resigned myself to just buying a new PS3. My question is this:
Can I...
Backup my old PS3 hard drive to an external hardrive
Move the old hard drive from my 60gb PS3 (I upgraded the drive to a 640gb drive a while ago) to a PS3 slim. I know that once I insert the drive it will prompt me to reformat the drive; this should be fine since I backed up my data first.
Restore my backup on the new PS3 and get back most of my saved data? I know some games encrypt their save data, so I might be screwed with certain games.
Is this possible?