After much diplomacy, war and diplomatic wars I've reunited France and Aquitaine. All my land is in those kingdoms.
France has Primogeniture sucession. Aquitaine has Gavelkind. I personally control the Duchy of Normandy- most of my demesne holdings are there.
I set Aquitaine as my primary title. This means inheritance works as follows:
- All titles in Aquitaine are divided among my heirs. In practice, this means my first child receives the Kingdom of Aquitaine. That's it because there aren't any more titles.
- All titles in France are Primogenitured to my eldest child.
This appears to give me all the bonuses of Gavelkind except without dividing my lands on death- it might be too good to be true. Aside from this being a bit cheesy, is there a downside to this I'm missing?