After experimenting a bit with the Death Knight and the Druid, I've been wondering which of the classes in the game has the potential to be the fastest at level 90. I'm looking for the following qualifyers:
- All class features and spells that create a faster form for the character (the Druid's forms, the Shaman's Spirit Wolf and so on)
- Abilities that give a flat increase to speed: via spells, glyphs and talents. (Feline Swiftness, Death's Advance and others)
- Equipable or usable items that give a bonus to speed at level 90, are not bound to location and has a duration of AT LEAST as long as the cooldown.
- Mounts that can be used in any locations you are allowed to use mounts (this will likely boil down to a flying mount with Master Riding, but I'm asking just in case).
And are there maybe other things that I have missed that can make you go faster?