Okay, so I'm trying to catch the 15-pound lunker in the fishing pond as an adult to get the Golden Scale (which is frustrating enough in itself, with the way the fishing seems to work...).
I use the fishing rod, and attract the attention of the big fish by the log. Except, EVERY time I lose the fish -- whether it just loses interest, or it bites and I fail to catch it -- it swims to the middle of the pond, and I CANNOT get its interest ever again unless I leave the fishing pond, re-enter, pay again, and make another attempt.
I have to do this EVERY TIME I fail to catch the fish in one try. I've spent hundreds of rupees on this thing. This isn't isolated to just the one fish, either. As far as I can tell, whenever I walk/swim to close to any fish whatsoever (or get its interest and fail to catch it), that fish swims to the middle of the pond and simply becomes un-catchable -- I can't even target the fish anymore.
This is just... SO annoying. Enter, pay, fail, exit, repeat. I'll probably just catch it on the first try by sheer luck before this is answered, but I have to ask if anyone else has had this happen to them, because from what I've seen online, nobody has.
Also, I'm playing the 3DS version. I can't ever remember this happening in the N64 version. =/
EDIT: Just caught the fish. Thank god. After 400+ rupees, 20+ failed attempts, and literally (I know because I looked at the clock) 5+ straight minutes of reeling and almost 2 minutes of the thing flopping around at my feet, I caught the friggin' fish.
I'm going to throw this thing at the wall if this happens in Master Quest, too.