I've been playing as Yasuo for the past few weeks and I'm starting to get the hang of him. It's a pretty fun champion to play with and it's kinda satisfying to see his ult land on a team fight...and get out of it alive, of course...
But that's the thing... I know he's pretty squishy but as he lands his ult, he's pretty vulnerable, especially if there's CC on the enemy team.
When I play him on top lane I build him like this:
Berzerker's or Mercury threads, Statikk, IE, BoTRK, Last Whisper
Leaving the last item slot open. Generally I don't get to build the last item but the few times I've reached late game with him, I didn't know what to build...more damage or a GA, or something.
Should I build him as a bruiser or an assassin when playing him on top lane?