- Testingcheats true
- CAS.fulleditmode
- Click sim
- Hit Edit in CAS
- Once in CAS, the entire family will appear.
- Click body to edit body, face to edit face. etc. You can also add another sim. You can add relationship.
- Once complete hit the Check button.
I know this works because I edited the Landgraab family. The daddy
aged up, I didn't want him to so I used this method to make him an
adult again and his wife a young adult since he obviously was way
older than she.
Also, I created 2 more teens and made them both their kids. Why?
(they are the secret that was being held)
If you don't believe me, go to communities, put in my id vejai2 and
you will see the Landgraab family. once 3 now 5. :d
I also did this on one of my sims who was grossly deformed when he
turned a teen. His upper body was maxed out to muscles, his legs also
but his pelvis and buttock area looked like a kid's.
So of course Dr vejai2 had to come to the rescue and now he's perfect symetry!