The following is a list of cards available in Adventure Mode, along with a description of each:
Compass: Use this while searching to identify where an Item Card can be used
Candle: Use this on trees to uncover hidden stairways
Bomb: Use this on walls to uncover hidden caves
Ladder: Use this to move across a single space of water
Power Bracelet: Use this on heavy rocks and tombstones to uncover hidden stairways
Water Bomb: Use this on submerged rocks to destroy them
Digging Mitts: Use this on soft earth to uncover hidden stairways
Ice Arrow: Use this on circles of flame to uncover hidden stairways
Raft: Use this on piers to cross to the opposite shore
Hookshot: Use this on distant targets to pull yourself to them
Recorder: Use this on a small body of water to reveal secrets and enemies
Goddess Harp: Use it on Goddess Butterflies to make Gossip Stones appear
Note: Couldn't find exact images for all of them, but hopefully it helps show which item is which.
Edit: Click item names to see the loading screen description for that card along with in-game image.