Jebediah was testing out my new monopropellant lander on the mun. After landing it was obvious that he was some 300 units short of making it back to Kerbin.
I designed and sent a lightweight refueling lander with grapple arms to fill Jeb's lander back up. It was hex-radially designed with interspacing command chairs/monopropellant tanks with grapple arms around a 1/4 orange tank with a poodle engine. These radial command chairs were piloted by brave & stupid white suits who were chosen for their ability to have unlimited suit lights.
Now unfortunately I ran short of fuel while coming into the target area and did a very hard landing.
Luckily the refueler only suffered damage to the poodle engine and 2 of the grapple arms while retaining it's solar panels and SRS. So I decided to roll my way on over to Jeb.
While I was rolling I would lose a Kerbal every once in a while as they fell out of their command chairs. No problem I thought I can just walk em back in.
However, after switching to them they wouldn't move they just stand there and when I mouse over them it breifly says debris
Normally when I kill a Kerbal they go poof and are normally travelling at a much higher velocity.
Do command chairs cause Kerbals to become debris? If so how does this happen? (like is it from hitting the ground or just being jostled around in a giant wheel, etc.) Would a roll cage prevent this?
Pic of recreation on launch pad Poor Jeb is debris...