I've found a bug, I think. I've been playing kittens after setting priceRatio on all buildings and structures (religious, ziggurat and "normal") and I've realised after a while that although I have 500 Ivory Towers and 500 Sky Palaces and 500 Ivory Citadels I'm not getting any events related to them. No Ivory Meteors, no Unicor Rifts, no Alicorns. This happens because I also had 500 observatories. 500 observatories give me "chance" (in onNewDay() function) equal to 10025. This means that there is an astronomical event everyday. In code after check for chance being greater than random number some stuff with handlers and timeouts follows, and then it comes:

        //---------------- SETI hack-------------------
        if (this.game.workshop.get("seti").researched){

Note "return". This means that if there is an astronomical event, there is no chance for meteors giving minerals, alicorns, unicorn rifts and so on. This also means that if someone were able to build enough observatories in IronWill mode, s/he could build a hut (and exit Iron Will mode) and no zebra hunter will leave. Yeah, I know, 500 observatories in Iron Will.

Anyway, I think that this is a bug.

  • Also - with enough pastures demand for catnip starts to be greater than zero, which means that one can generate catnip simply by having a lot of kittens. Not that it's an error, but I think that it shouldn't be like this. Not to mention that faith multiplier, carried over from reset to reset, doesn't seem to have diminishing returns. It's not a real problem, since I've been playing under unusual conditions, but it's still something that could be changed to increase robustness. Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 7:46
  • with enough pastures demand for catnip starts to be greater than zero It starts to give diminishing return up from 75% Not to mention that faith multiplier, carried over from reset to reset, doesn't seem to have diminishing returns Both faith multiplier and faith production bonuses have diminishing return.
    – bloodrizer
    Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 9:02
  • 2
    I just checked it - I entered in the console: gamePage.bld.get('pasture').val = 3500; gamePage.bld.get('field').val = 0; and I've removed all farmers, and my catnip production is at 10k and catnip tooltip shows only: "Demand: +10.519k" so maybe it's worth looking into. You know, I'm not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens. Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 9:45
  • Also note, that I couldn't find any signs of deminishing results in code updating and changing effects. Not that I know this code very well. I've been checking version Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 9:51
  • Search the code base for getHyperbolicEffect. It definitely works with Tradeposts, your Fur/Ivory demand never goes positive. It only works for calls to getEffect which have negative values AND pass in a second argument. I believe you are correct about the original post, probably a bug.
    – AnnanFay
    Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 15:51

2 Answers 2


Yep, this is a bug, thanks for spotting this. Fixed it in


Having SETI researched will silence all astronomical log entries. They still happen, you just aren't notified.

  • 2
    This isn't about the astronomical events. This is about meteors, unicorn rifts, ivory meteors, and alicorns. SETI isn't supposed to do anything to those. Commented Nov 12, 2014 at 17:32

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