This is a fairly late-TH8 base, and judging by your comments you're still early-to-mid TH8. It would have been extremely difficult to get 2 or 3 stars here. In past wars, I've found it likely to get:
- 2-3 stars on a base weaker than mine (ie, less than my TH level)
- 1-2 stars on similar level bases (ie, same TH level, less upgraded)
- 1 star (if that) on higher level bases (ie, same TH level but more upgraded, or higher TH level)
Consider this when planning your attacks - if you're trying to earn stars most efficiently, attack slightly below you on their list (ie, if you're #6 on your side, look at #6 through #10 on their side or so)
For this base, I'd probably be tempted to go ground instead of air. The air defenses are pretty well upgraded (wizard towers and AD's, primarily) while ground defenses are kind of weaker (archer towers, cannons, although mortars are fully upgraded).
I'd probably try to run Giants on this, backed up by archers or wizards. I'd probably go with healing spells or a mix of heal and rage, although if you know the CC troops are strong ground units, you might take lightning. You can put some healers in your camps if you want, but with all that AD chances are good they're going to get shot down quickly. Wall breakers aren't as critical here, since there's not a lot of layers of wall to be dealt with.
I'd start by drawing the clan castle out. The upper right area seems like it should be possible to get close enough to draw it with a barbarian. Checking the radius in the preview is a good way to get a closer look. If you can't get close enough with a barb, a giant would work although it's kind of a waste.
If the CC troops are to be lightning'ed, draw them over the lower right mortar and try to take them out and the mortar out in the same go. Otherwise, draw them into a corner and drop archers or wizards to obliterate them.
The right side and/or lower right side seem like good spots to attack from - the weakest wizard tower is here, and the goal is really to get 2 stars if possible, so we want to "wedge" into the base to hit the town hall.
I'd drop one giant to check for traps, and then drop the rest en masse. Let them take out a swath of defenses, and then drop roughly half the ranged units in behind. With luck, they'll spread out and strip a big hunk of the base.
As the troops spread out and the closest building to the edge of the base starts to look like the town hall, drop 1-2 ranged units until their target is the TH, and then drop the rest.
That's about the best strategy I can come up with, given your resources and level.