In CS:GO, when player respawns (and are invincible for a second), the screen is black and white for a while and fills with normal colors after. I like to play dynamic game modes such as DeathMatch or GunGame, that's why I'm dying a lot and often. This feature is kinda annoying and hurts my eyes because the screen is changing colors a lot.
I'm wondering, is there some configuration command to turn it off? I was googling around but wasn't able to find one. Also, in response to some comments, I'm sure there is such an effect on respawn in CS:GO because I watched some streams on twitch and there is this thing everywhere, but it is not so noticeable because they are playing classic mode and die like once in few minutes. And there is a slight color fade on player respawn. Here are some screenshots from the moment I was killed and respawned:
mp_respawn_immunitytime 0
orsm_cvar mp_respawn_immunitytime 0
will change server settings (for all players) and I have to havecvar
admin rights for that server to use those commands... and it will not affect my client.