Today, while already logged in as myself, my Xbox One suddenly seemed to recognize someone else in the room and automatically logged them in. However, the other person was nowhere near the room when this happened.
This hasn't interfered with my own experience yet, as I'm still being treated as the current and primary user. Regardless, I'd like to know how to prevent this from occurring in the future.
What can cause a false-positive recognition and login, and how can I prevent it without disabling auto-login features?
After several re-calibrations, the system is still doing this occasionally. Typically, I don't have a problem being recognized myself. But the system still seems to spot the other person in the room when they're not.
I looked around the room to double-check things, and there's not even a picture of the person in view of Kinect. One time, shortly after the false-positive login, I switched over to the Kinect settings screen and the user identifier was hovering over my right shoulder.
I was being properly identified, but something over my shoulder (nothing there but the couch and wall) was being recognized as the other person. If I moved around, my tag followed me but the other tag moved asynchronously. I couldn't pin down what, exactly, the system was seeing there. I haven't done any re-testing since though, to see if it's the same spot every time or just some random whatever.
Also, due to other unrelated issues, the system I was using when I originally posted this question has been replaced with a new console. I'm still having this problem with the new system.