I'm new to Counter Strike: Source and am playing with bots so I can sharpen my skills before playing with human players. However, I've noticed that my team of bots is virtually useless while the enemy team has incredible precision and accuracy. For example, my team will often run into a guarded bombsite and stare at the enemy while they get shot to pieces. Also, they will just sit there while the enemy team storm in and kill them all. I even had an instance where one of my team looked at an enemy on the balcony in de_inferno for a good 5 seconds before the enemy noticed and killed them. Because of this, I almost always lose and don't possess the skill to kill the entire enemy team on my own. Two questions:
- Is this normal bot behaviour?
- Are there any mods/options that fix this?
The bots are set to normal difficulty, and this happens whether I'm a terrorist or counter-terrorist.