RedBelly remind me so much of another two set of characters with a very similar repertoire, but I can't for the life of me place a name. I assume I'm thinking of some sort of '50s commentators.
I have read the Borderlands wiki, which mentions that RedBelly is a play on Ned Kelly, who lived from 1854-1880, long before radio was even invented. Secondly, Ned Kelly is a single person, who can't be the basis of a parody by two individuals (unless he had disassociative identity disorder).
Attributes of Red:
- Either isn't very bright or doesn't want to fight, seen when he says, "tea?" And Belly has to respond "No, death!".
Attributes of Belly:
- The more rational of the two. Tends to set the tone for both of them.
- The only time he says something like Red is on an ECHO device when he says, "Red and Belly sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S... wait, that's weird."