It's an aria in Italian. However, even being an Italian myself, I'm having a very hard time transcribing it. Words I'm unsure about are in italic
Cara, bel, cara mia, Dear, beautiful, my dear,
bella bambina, beautiful girl,
oh Chell, oh Chell,
que lastima, what a shame,
que lastima, what a shame,
deh! Cara mia, well, My dear,
addio. farewell.
Mia bambina, My girl,
cara, dear,
perchè non passi why don't you stay
lontana, deh away
sì lontana yes, away
da scienza? from science?
Cara, cara Dear, dear,
mia bambina, my girl,
ah mia bel, my beautiful,
ah mia cara, my dear,
la mia cara, my dear,
la mia bamina, my girl,
oh cara, my dear,
cara mia… my dear…
Notes on my bad transcription and translation:
- "que lastima" is the transcription I can make the best sense of, based on Dave McClelland suggestion. However, it is probably incorrect, since the rest of the song is in Italian. I still like this the best.
- "bambina" actually means "pre-adolescent girl"; I'm not aware of an English equivalent.
Alternative readings of those lines of first stanza most people seem to disagree on:
oh ciel, oh sky,
che la stima, which holds her in esteem,
che la stima, which holds her in esteem,
oh ciel, oh sky,
[per]chè la stima, for it holds her in esteem,
[per]chè la stima, for it holds her in esteem,
oh ciel, oh sky,
[per]chè la stimo, for I hold her in esteem,
[per]che la stimo, for I hold her in esteem,