Is there any command in Minecraft where I can change my username in the chat, tab and my name tag above my skin? And no I'm not noob, I know I can change it on mojangs service, what I mean is like I'm creating a minigame using command blocks and someone is Herobrine then their display name will change to Herobrine. (The UUID is still the same for this player)
1 Answer
There is no command to change a player's name.
As a workaround, you could fake it by hiding the player's name whilst teleporting a named entity onto them.
To hide a player's name tag, put them on a separate team and change the nametagVisibility
/team add HerobrineTeam
/team modify HerobrineTeam nametagVisibility never
Then summon a named entity, such as a marker armorstand:
/summon armor_stand ~ ~ ~ {CustomName:'"Herobrine"',CustomNameVisible:1b,Marker:1b,Invisible:1b}
You can teleport that entity to the player on a clock with something like:
/execute at @p[team=HerobrineTeam] run tp @e[type=armor_stand,name=Herobrine] ~ ~1.7 ~
Problem, the armorstand spawns in the ground, under my foots, why? Commented May 13, 2015 at 16:40
@MinecraftDoge Teleport it upwards to the offset you want.– SirBenetCommented May 13, 2015 at 17:40
You can also spawn them directly at the player using /execute, if you're familiar with that. Not sure if it's the case, but it might be actually cleaner to repeatedly kill the armor stand and spawn a new one at the player's location. Probably depends on the case which one is better. Commented Aug 17, 2017 at 15:33
/nick <nickname>