I've got a huge problem with my Dark Souls 2 SOTFS PC version. It is impossible for me to play online. I get disconnected quite often, but it's always different. Sometimes I get disconnected every 10 minutes, yesterday I was was online for hours and I got disconnected when I tried to summon somebody.
Summoning doesn't work in 99% of all cases for various reasons and as I already mentioned I also get disconnected quite often when I try to summon somebody. Some rare times when summoning worked (in this example before the pursuer's boss fight) I could interact with the phantom(s), they used emotes etc. but when I entered the boss room they didn't come in through the mist and when I died I did not respawn or anything. I, as a non-present spectator, stayed in the boss room and saw the boss go back to its initial position and could only move the camera and watch. Only killing the task and restarting got me out of that. And this strange phenomenon occured every single time I succeeded in summoning someone (and died).
Another weird thing is when I try to make bell keeper PvP (at Belfry Luna). If I use my ring and invade others as a grey phantom (in case this works at all and I'm not disconnected before or while waiting) it's extremely laggy and by extremely I mean that I can backstab or hit the host and he doesn't lose any TP. And in the next moment, when he's at the other end of the room, I get backstabbed by him and suddenly teleport to him. It's not possible to fight this way.
I also tried helping as a white phantom. There it is the case that I don't deal damage to anything and I mostly get kicked by the host as I don't know what the hell's going on. From his point of view I'm probably hitting the air or anything.
My internet connection is great, it works perfectly fine in every other game and everything else so that cannot be the problem. I can also paste a speedtest later if anybody wants proof. Opening the ports didn't change a thing. I also already had huge connectivity issues in DS. I don't know what to do anymore, I really want to do PvP and help others or sometimes get help from others. And I don't want to get disconnected over and over again. I'm sorry about the wall of text, but I feel like it is necessary to explain my problem as detailled as possible.
I hope someone can help me, I'm going crazy over this.
EDIT: Retried Port Forwarding, did not fix anything again.