Is there a Active Life game mat controller that works with the Wii RVL-101 console? I can't find the hidden panel.
2I'm guessing this question is getting downvotes because it looks a lot like a recommendation topic, but the question seems to be more about outdated peripheral. It should be fine as a question of wether or not an updated version was ever released with later version of the game, or even on its own.– DJ PirtuCommented Aug 15, 2015 at 18:11
@DJPirtu That's still a shopping recommendation. More narrow, but still asking us to find something that meets specific criteria.– FrankCommented Aug 15, 2015 at 18:32
2@Frank I disagree. I do not see this question any different than a question asking, for example "Is there a port of Game X to System Y" At least if we rule out 3rd party peripherals.– DJ PirtuCommented Aug 15, 2015 at 18:44
2@Frank I agree with Pirtu. It asks for compatibility, not if he should buy it. This is perfectly on topic.– user28015Commented Aug 15, 2015 at 19:15
@NoneOfYourBusiness At no point did I say anything about whether he's supposed to buy it or not. This is strictly, "I want product X that does criteria Y". That's a shopping rec, through and through, and categorically off-topic.– FrankCommented Aug 15, 2015 at 20:29
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