Explorer Count / %
I have 31 dwellers total. At any given time I have about 6-7 out in the wastelands. As I train my dwellers stats to higher levels, I am moving towards having 7-8 exploring at once. That's around 25%, growing toward one third, of my workforce exploring.
Exploring Summary
I generally give them 6-7 stim-paks and 4 rad-packs. Most explorers make it for 6 or 7 hours before I have to recall them and they have maybe 15 items on average, most people weapons that do a maximum of 7 damage and outfits that add 1-3 points to a few skills. Maybe one out of five explorations results in a great item.
One guy has max endurance and he stays out for 12+ hours. Also, one guy just picked up a bazooka looking thing and he's been out for 12 hours and still has 8 stim-paks left. In hopes of getting rarer loot, I'm considering making a change and sending out luckier people for short explorations instead of stronger ones for long explorations.
What are the signs that I should send out more explorers?