How do you clear all item drops in Minecraft? I want to have something activated by an Item landing on a golden pressure plate, but It can only be activated once. Is there any command block command that clears all entities?

2 Answers 2


If you're trying to clear all item drops in the world, you can run:

/kill @e[type=item]

which will kill all dropped items in the world. However, there are slightly better ways of doing this. Namely, only clear items within a radius of x blocks from the command block. This preserves drops elsewhere, but still clears the first item:

/kill @e[type=item,r=x]

Additionally, if you want to ensure that something can only be triggered once, place an input stabilizer on it:

input stabilizer

This device will "lock" the redstone state to ON, even after the item is removed. It cannot be re-triggered unless you manually break the redstone.

You can expand on this by only making it hold one pulse if so needed.

  • 2
    1.13 syntax for second command: /kill @e[type=item,distance=..x]
    – pppery
    Commented Jul 29, 2019 at 20:22

/remove items (radius) with the world edit plugin

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