How many players can play split-screen, and what game modes are (or aren't) available?

  • How many players can play local co-op?
  • How many players can play local multiplayer?
  • How many players can play online multiplayer from a single console?

1 Answer 1

  1. 2 Players can play local co-op.
  2. 2 Players can play local multiplayer.
  3. 1 Player can play online multiplayer from a single console.

Splitscreen play is limited to non-online mission modes in the new Battlefront.

  • Local only isn't a huge problem, but limited to only 2 players? That's disappointing...
    – yoozer8
    Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 18:41
  • @Jim I agree. I was hoping for more. It seems they were very focused on framerate, and when they did local multiplayer with just 2 people the framerate would drop to 30fps. That's as low as they wanted it to go, I guess.
    – GarrettJ
    Commented Nov 20, 2015 at 19:55

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