Does anyone know how to make straight flying arrows using command blocks? I'm trying to make an easier way of teleporting than ender pearls, which do damage and don't fly straight. I've made the following commands;
/scoreboard objectives add Shot stat.useItem.minecraft.bow
/scoreboard objectives add Holding dummy
/scoreboard objectives add Arrow dummy
/scoreboard objectives add InGround dummy
/scoreboard players set @a Holding 0
/scoreboard players set @a Holding 1 {SelectedItem:{tag:{display:{Name:"Enterprise"}}}}
/execute @a[score_Shot_min=1,score_Holding_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /scoreboard players set @e[type=Arrow,r=2] Arrow 1
/scoreboard players set @e[type=Arrow,score_Arrow_min=1] InGround 1 {inGround:1b}
/execute @e[type=Arrow,score_InGround_min=1] ~ ~ ~ /tp @p[score_Holding_min=1] @e[score_InGround_min=1]
/kill @e[type=Arrow,score_InGround_min=1]
/scoreboard players set @a Shot 0
There's only one problem: arrows don't fly straight either. Does anyone know how to make them fly straight?