Recently, when I was playing around with new hotkey settings for Diablo 3, I bound several keys to new functions, inkluding the space key. I then found out, that because of the new space key function, I could no longer skip dialogs with space, so I unbound the space key (like described in this Arqade question).

Unfortunately, the skip function still didn't work. I tried binding space to other functions and then unbind space, but it still didn't work.

How do I get the skip dialog functionality of the space key back?

  • In that screenshot in that question you see that space is bound to "Close All Open Windows". I think that is the default binding and maybe it's linked to skipping dialogs
    – Ivo
    Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 0:02
  • Ah! It seems you are right. Just tested it and it works. If you post that as an answer, I'll accept it. Thank you!
    – Bexo
    Commented Dec 21, 2015 at 0:21

1 Answer 1


In that screenshot in that question you see that space is bound to "Close All Open Windows". That is the default binding and it's also linked to skipping dialogs

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