According to this question, a card can receive an extra deathrattle effect from cards like Ancestral Spirit. The battlecry for Unearthed Raptor reads:

Choose a friendly minion. Gain a copy of its Deathrattle effect.

What if the target has multiple deathrattles? Does it copy both deathrattle effects?

Note that I'm not talking about doubling its battlecry effect using Brann Bronzebeard.


2 Answers 2


Yes it can copy multiple Deathrattle effects.

I saw a video of 1 Raptor filling one side of the field with cards after dying because of multiple copied effects (combination with Bran, Brewmaster and Faceless)

  • If someone could add the video in embedded form feel free to edit it in
    – Martin H.
    Commented Dec 30, 2015 at 20:04

Yes it can.

In fact it can copy up to 16 deathrattle effects.


Twitter - Thanks Rob


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