I am having a bad time with my PS3 which I've had for about 2 years, PS3 slim with 120GB HDD. I've ran across a problem with my WiFi connecting to it. My PS3 doesn't accept my WPA2 key, I've changed it to a new key then my PS3 successfully connected to it. After 5 minutes it then drops connection and says my WPA key is wrong which it isn't.
So I changed my key again, it connected to the WiFi successfully, then an hour later it dropped connection to it then told me my WPA key is wrong when it isn't! My other devices connect to it just fine, like my Mac, iPhone, etc. But my PS3 doesn't connect to it properly. I get signal strength of 80-90%+
Is there any reason why it keeps doing this?
I am upstairs and the router is downstairs, I cannot use a Ethernet cable because it's far too long to connect to it.