So, I got a little fancy with the Signal Interceptor when time came to build it. I found a nice and clear site (Starlight Drive-In), and built a pretty good-sized and well-furnished building around it.
For those interested: To fully enclose the thing you'll want the building to have a 5x5 foundation and three floors. You might be able to get away with a 4x4, but the ground floor will be pretty tight. You'll also want to build the Reflector Platform and Beam Emitter on bare ground first - they didn't seem to want to "snap" together otherwise - and then set your foundations around them. Afterward, your Relay Dish and Console can be wherever you want as long as you can route some "data cables" between them. (Really, they're just regular power cables in-game. But the components need both power and "data" connections in order to work.)
After The Molecular Level though, the device is totally burnt out and non-usable. Of course, I don't really need it anymore anyway. But I was kind-of hoping to make it the shiny centerpiece of my new base, and now it's just an eyesore in the middle of a building that really has no point existing without it.
Now, I'd like to build a new Signal Interceptor. But the pieces don't seem to be available. Is this just something that gets locked out after you've built one? Is there a way to unlock it again? (Non-console options preferred if possible - I play on XB1.)